Removing Shipping Carriers

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to remove an enabled shipping carrier from your WooCommerce store using the Advanced Shipment Tracking (AST) plugin.

  1. Access Shipping Carriers: From your WordPress dashboard, go to WooCommerce > Shipment Tracking > Shipping Carriers. This will direct you to the page where all your enabled shipping carriers are listed.

Review and Select Carrier

  1. Identify Carrier: Browse through the list of enabled shipping carriers. Locate and identify the carrier(s) you wish to remove from your store.

Initiate Removal

  1. Select Carrier: Click the checkbox next to the name of the carrier you want to remove. Ensure that the correct carrier is selected before proceeding.
  2. Remove Carrier: After making your selection, click the “Remove Selected” button. You may be prompted with a confirmation window asking if you are sure about the removal. Confirm to proceed.


  • Once confirmed, the selected shipping carrier will be removed from your list of enabled carriers. If you need to re-enable or add a new carrier, you can do so at any time by accessing the Shipping Carriers page.

By following these steps, you can manage your shipping carriers efficiently, ensuring that only the relevant ones are active and available for your shipping needs.


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