CSV Import

The CSV import tool in Advanced Shipment Tracking (AST) Pro enables the bulk import of tracking information to WooCommerce orders using CSV files. This guide will help you prepare, create, and import your CSV files effectively.

Preparing Your CSV File

Your CSV file must have the following columns:

order_idstringWooCommerce Order ID (i.e 12345)This field is compatible with several Custom Order Numbers plugins
tracking_providerstringThe name of the Shipping ProviderIt must match exactly as listed on the shipping providers list.
tracking_numberstringThe package’s tracking number
date_shippeddateThe shipment date in DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY formatOptional – leave blank to use the import date
status_shippedintUse 0 for no change, 1 for Completed/Shipped, or 2 for Partially ShippedThis updates the order status and triggers the shipping confirmation email
sku*stringThe SKU of the product or variationIt must exactly match and be unique per product/variation
qty*intThe quantity of the shipped product SKU

*Note: The Tracking Per Item feature (SKU and Quantity columns) is available only in AST Pro.

CSV File Creation Tips

  • Avoid using Microsoft Excel for creating/editing the CSV files due to potential formatting and character encoding issues.
  • Recommended CSV editors:
    • Google Sheets (Google Drive)
    • Free spreadsheet app in OpenOffice

Example of CSV file:


Sample CSV File

Importing the CSV File

Steps to Import

  1. Upload CSV: Upload the CSV file from your computer.
  2. Tracking Details: Choose whether to override existing tracking details or add new tracking numbers in addition to existing ones.
  3. Date Format: Select the date format used in your CSV file (dd-mm-YYYY or mm-dd-YYYY).
  4. Start Import: Click ‘Continue’ to begin the import process.

Import Process

  • The import will display the status of the tracking numbers being imported.
  • A detailed report will be provided upon completion, highlighting any issues encountered during the import.

Once the import is completed you will get a detailed report of any issues in the import:


Importing Tracking Per Item

AST Pro allows importing tracking numbers per item. For this, include the SKU and Quantity columns in your CSV file.


For an order (#12345) with 4 items:

  • 2 x T-shirt (SKU: TSHIRT)
  • 2 x Blue jeans (SKU: BJEANS)

If you ship these in 2 separate packages, each with its own tracking number:


When you ship the T-Shirts and the Blue Jeans as a set, each set in a package with different tracking number, the CSV File should be formatted this way:


You can download a sample CSV file for an example of the correct formatting:


Billed annually

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