Shirtee Cloud

Explore the Shirtee Cloud integration with Advanced Shipment Tracking (AST) PRO for WooCommerce. This integration connects your WooCommerce store with your Shirtee Cloud account, streamlining order processing, label generation, and tracking number synchronization.

Overview of Shirtee Cloud Integration

Shirtee Cloud WooCommerce integration automates the transfer of processing orders from your store to Shirtee Cloud, ensuring efficient label generation and tracking management.

Shirtee Cloud Tracking Integration

The Shirtee Cloud Tracking Integration with AST PRO enhances the efficiency of your fulfillment process by:

  • Automating Tracking Retrieval: Automatically extracting tracking information from the order notes and updating it in AST’s shipment tracking order meta.
  • Enhancing Fulfillment Workflow: Streamlining the order fulfillment process by reducing repetitive work and potential for errors.

Enabling Shirtee Cloud Tracking Integration

To activate the Shirtee Cloud integration:

  1. Navigate: In your WordPress admin, go to WooCommerce > Shipment Tracking > Integrations.
  2. Locate and Enable: Search for the Shirtee Cloud integration and enable it.
  3. AutoComplete Option: Choose to enable the ‘AutoComplete shipped orders’ option. With this, AST will automatically update the order status to ‘Shipped’. For manual control, keep this option disabled.

Post-Integration Workflow

Once enabled, every time you generate a shipping label in Shirtee Cloud for a WooCommerce-originated order, the shipment tracking details will be automatically updated in AST’s shipment tracking order meta.

Map the Shipping Providers

  • Carrier Name Mismatch: Shirtee Cloud might use different carrier names than those listed in AST’s shipping carriers.
  • Solution: Map the names received from Shirtee Cloud with the standardized names in AST’s shipping providers list to ensure the shipping confirmation email includes a tracking link.
  • Shipping Providers Documentation: Refer to AST’s shipping providers documentation for detailed guidance on mapping carrier names.

Best Practices and Notes

  • Carrier List Sync: Regularly update your carrier list in AST for precise mapping and tracking.
  • Integration Checks: Routinely ensure the integration’s functionality, particularly after plugin updates.
  • Customer Awareness: Clearly communicate the availability of tracking features and encourage customers to use them for improved service satisfaction.

By following this guide and enabling the Shirtee Cloud integration with AST PRO, you can significantly enhance your order fulfillment process, ensuring that tracking information is accurately and efficiently applied and communicated.


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