Automated CSV Import through FTP/SFTP

The Advanced Shipment Tracking (AST) Pro plugin enables automated CSV file imports from an FTP or SFTP server into your WooCommerce application. This functionality ensures timely data updates by allowing you to schedule regular imports. Below are the features and options available for configuring this functionality.


  1. Enable CSV Auto-import: Activate or deactivate automatic CSV imports from your FTP/SFTP server.
  2. Import Frequency: Schedule imports to occur daily or weekly.
  3. Import Time: Specify the exact time of day for the import process.
  4. Select FTP/SFTP: Choose between FTP or SFTP based on your server configuration.
  5. FTP/SFTP Server URL: Enter the server address where your CSV files are stored.
  6. FTP/SFTP Username & Password: Provide credentials for authentication.
  7. FTP/SFTP Port: Specify the port number for the connection (typically 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP).
  8. Test Connection: Verify the FTP/SFTP settings to troubleshoot connection issues.
  9. CSV Folder Path: Define the directory path on the server for the CSV files.
  10. Delete After Import: Optionally remove the CSV file from the server after successful import.
  11. Enable Log: Activate logging of the import process for debugging and record-keeping.


To set up the Automated CSV Import through FTP/SFTP functionality, follow these steps:

Enable CSV Auto-import

  • Toggle the Enable CSV Auto-import option to activate automatic imports.

Set Import Frequency and Time

  • Select the desired Import Frequency (e.g., daily, weekly).
  • Specify the Import Time to schedule when the import should run.

Configure FTP/SFTP Settings

  • Choose FTP or SFTP based on your server configuration.
  • Enter the FTP/SFTP Server URL where your CSV files are stored.
  • Provide the FTP/SFTP Username and Password for authentication.
  • Specify the FTP/SFTP Port (typically 21 for FTP and 22 for SFTP).
  • Click Test Connection to verify the settings.

Define CSV Folder Path

  • Enter the CSV Folder Path to the directory on the server where the CSV files are located.

Optional Settings

  • Check Delete After Import to remove the CSV file from the server after a successful import.
  • Toggle Enable Log to activate logging of the import process.

Save Settings

  • Click Save Changes to apply the settings.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your CSV file imports are automated, secure, and efficient, keeping your WooCommerce shipment tracking data up to date with minimal manual intervention.


If you encounter any issues with the automated import process, consider the following steps:

  • Verify Server Details: Double-check the FTP/SFTP server URL, username, password, and port.
  • Test Connection: Use the Test Connection button to ensure the settings are correct.
  • Check Logs: If logging is enabled, review the logs for any error messages or issues.
  • Contact Support: If problems persist, reach out to our support team for assistance.

This comprehensive setup ensures that your WooCommerce store can efficiently handle automated CSV imports, maintaining accurate and timely shipment tracking updates.


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