Customize the Email Notifications

Customize Pickup Information Widget

The pickup instructions include essential details such as the location name, address, working hours, and, if applicable, appointment information. These instructions are visible on the order received page, order emails, and the View Order page within customer accounts (order history). Easily customize the appearance of the local pickup information widget using the standard WordPress customizer, providing a live preview of the changes.

To access customization options, navigate to Local Pickup Settings (WooCommerce > Local Pickup Pro) and click on the customize link in the main menu.


Customizer Options

Widget Style:

  • Widget Layout: Change the layout of the widget to suit your preferences.
  • Background Color: Define the background color of the widget.
  • Border Color: Set a border color for the widget.
  • Padding: Add spacing around the widget content.

Widget Header:

  • Hide Widget Header: Opt to hide the widget header for a simplified display.
  • Widget Header Text: Customize the widget header text according to your preference.

Pickup Location Info:

  • Hide Pickup Address Header: Opt to hide the pickup address header for a simplified display.
  • Pickup Address Header Text: Customize the pickup address header text according to your preference.
  • Hide Office Hours Header: Opt to hide the office hours header for a simplified display.
  • Office Hours Header Text: Customize the office hours header text according to your preference.

Customize the local pickup emails

As a component of the local pickup process, automated email notifications are sent to customers, providing updates on their order status. Customers selecting the pickup option receive the following email notifications:

  • Order Ready for Pickup
  • Order Picked Up
  • Pickup Reminder

Fully customize the custom email templates using an email customizer with a live preview. Customize elements such as the email subject, heading, content, and the option to include details like billing address, item images, and more according to your preferences.


Customizer Options

Header Options:

  • Email Type: Select order status from statuses (e.g., Ready for pickup, Picked up, Pickup reminder) for preview.

Email Settings:

  • Enable Email
  • Recipients
  • Email Subject
  • Email Heading
  • Email Content
  • Pickup Items Heading Text
  • Display Product Image
  • Display Product Price
  • Display Customer Details
  • Display Billing Address

Available Variables:

  • {customer_first_name}
  • {customer_last_name}
  • {site_title}
  • {order_number}

Overwrite the email templates

To override and edit email template copy advanced-local-pickup-pro/templates/emails/ready-pickup-order.php to your theme folder: your-child-theme/woocommerce/emails/ready-pickup-order.php .


Billed annually

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