Where will my customer see the tracking info?

Tracking info and a direct link to track the package will be added to the top of the “Completed” (Shipped) orders emails. We will also display the tracking info in user accounts in the order history tab (see screenshots)

Can I add a shipping provider that is not on your list?

Yes, you can add custom providers, choose your default shipment provider, Change the providers order in the list and display only providers that are relevant to you.

How to add tracking number to the URL for a custom shipping provider?

You can add tracking number parameter in this format:
http://shippingprovider.com?tracking_number=%number% , %number% – this variable will hold the tracking number for the order.

Is there a way I can import tracking numbers to orders in bulk?

Yes, you can use our Bulk import option to import tracking info from CSV files or you can update the shipment tracking info for orders using our custom REST API Endpoint

Can I use custom order numbers when I bulk upload from a csv file?

Yes, some plugins do not use the WooCommerce order_id (post id) and use custom fields instead for the order numbers. We added compatibility and you can use the custom order numbers in the CSV file in the order_id column for more details, see our documentation.

Can I add more than one trakcing number to single order?

Yes, you can add multiple tracking numbers to each order, each with a shipment provider and date.

Can guests also view their shipment tracking info on my website?

if you use the WooCommerce order status shortcode [woocommerce_order_tracking] that lets a user see the status of an order by entering their order details:

Can guests also view their shipment tracking info on my website?

Yes, you have full control over the design and display of the tracking info and you can customize it.

Can I design the display of Tracking info on WooCommerce emails?

Yes, you have full control over the design and display of the tracking info and you can customize it.

Can I track my order and send shipment status and delivery notifications to my customers?

Yes, you can signup to Trackship and we provide full integration, once connected, TrackShip proactively sends shipment status updates to your WooCommerce store and streamlines your order management process and provide improved post-purchase experience to your customers.
We are currently in beta stage, [signup]https://trackship.info to get your invitation

Can I use the Rest API to add tracking info to my orders?

You can use the plugin to add, retrieve, delete tracking information for orders using WooCommerce REST API. For example, in order to add tracking number to order:
use the order id that you wish to update in the URL instead of , add the shipping provider and tracking code.


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