WooCommerce Bookings

WooCommerce Bookings plugin allows customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment and SMS for WooCommerce is fully compatible with WooCommerce Bookings, and you can trigger SMS message for each of the available emails notifications and reminders.

Booking SMS Notifications

The SMS for WooCommerce is compatible with the WooCommerce Booking Extension. When both plugins are active, you’ll find booking notifications under WooCommerce > SMS Notifications > Booking SMS, and you can enable booking appointment reminders and update notifications to customers and store admin.

Booking notifications

  • Admin reminder – Enable to send admin users a reminder before a booking begins. When enabled, you can then enter a comma-separate list of recipients, determine when the reminder should be sent, and customize the message.
  • Admin cancellation – Enable to send admin users a notification when a booking is cancelled. When enabled, you can then enter a comma-separate list of recipients and customize the message.
  • Customer reminder – Enable to send customers a reminder before a booking begins. When enabled, you can then determine when the reminder should be sent and customize the message.
  • Customer follow up message – Enable to send customers a follow up after a booking is completed.
  • Customer cancellation – Enable to send customers a cancellation notice when a booking is marked as cancelled.
  • Customer confirmation – Enable this  to send customers a notification when a booking is confirmed and moves to “Confirmed” status.

Bookings Placeholders

  • {booking_start_time} – the booking’s start time
  • {booking_end_time} – the booking’s end time
  • {booking_date} – the booking’s date (uses the site’s date format)
  • {person_count} – if the booking has a “persons” field, inserts the person count for the booking
  • {resource} – if the booking has a resource, inserts the selected resource for the booking

The following Placeholders can be used within booking SMS messages (in addition to the default placeholders):

When the Admin Reminder or the Customer Follow up are enabled, you can choose when the reminder should be sent:


Checkout example for Bookable product:



Billed annually

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