Advanced Shipment Tracking (Free)

Advanced Shipment Tracking (AST) for WooCommerce lets you add tracking information to orders and provides your customers an easy way to track their orders. AST provides powerful features that let WooCommerce shop owners to better manage and automate their orders flow, reduce time spent on customer service and increase customer satisfaction.

Key Features

  • Add Tracking information to orders
    Easily add tracking information to your orders, AST lets you add the tracking from the WooCommerce orders admin or from a single order admin, we also allow you to mark the order as Completed when adding the tracking information.
  • Customize The Tracking Display on the Order Emails
    You can fully customize the tracking information display on the order emails and on their accounts. With our customizer with a live preview, you can choose the design layout, show/hide tracking information, edit the content, fonts, colors, and more..
  • List of 250+ Shipping Providers
    AST provides a list of more than 250 shipping providers (carriers) around the globe with a predefined tracking link, AST automatically generates the tracking link sent to your customers when you ship their orders.
  • Keep your Tracking Links Up-To-Date
    We maintain this list and you can sync the shipping providers list to keep it up-to-date with any changes in the shipping providers info.
  • Custom Shipping Providers
    If you can’t find your shipping provider on our list, you can suggest it for us to add or you can add your own custom providers, you can set a tracking link with tracking information variables to use in the tracking link.
  • WooCommerce REST API Support
    AST creates a Shipment Tracking WooCommerce REST API endpoint so you can easily update the tracking information in your WooCommerce orders from any external system or shipping labels service you use and automate your daily workflow..
  • Bulk Upload from CSV
    If your shipper provides the tracking information in files and you want to avoid manually adding them into orders, AST provides a quick and easy interface to import multiple tracking numbers to orders in bulk from a CSV.
  • Custom Order Statuses
    Improve your order management flow, with custom order statuses, enable the Partially Shipped for orders that you ship in separate packages at different times or enable the Delivered order status if you use TrackShip for tracking & delivery automation.

Using the WordPress Admin is the most straightforward option. To install: Install

Setup & Configuration

To set up the Advanced Shipment Tracking plugin, on your WordPress admin

Shipping Carriers

AST comes with a list of more than 800 shipping carriers (provided by TrackShip), each

Add Tracking To Orders

You can also add tracking numbers to orders when viewing your orders

TrackShip integration

Trackship is a Multi-Carrier Shipment Tracking API that seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce store


the AST plugin is localized/ translatable by default, we added translation to


Advanced Shipment Tracking is compatible with many WooCommerce plugins and services. Plugins

