Setup & Configuration

To set up the email verification plugin, in your WordPress admin, navigate to WooCommerce > email verification.

Email verification for new customer accounts

Enable email verification for new customer accounts – Require new customers to verify their email address when they register for an account on your store and if the customers did not verify their email address, they will not be able to login to their account.

  • Allow first login after registration without verification – allow your customers to access their account for the first time after registration before they verify the email address
  • Verification Code in new account email –  if you select this option, the verification message, code and link will be added in New Account Emails. The separate email verification will be sent only when the customer (or admin) resend verification.
  • Delay account email until successful email verification – Delay the WooCommerce New Account email and send it to the customer only after successful verification.

Please note: the email verification for new accounts does not apply to customers who register an account during checkout or when registering accounts with social plugins.

Email verification before checkout

Enable Email verification before checkout – if you enable this option, registered customers that are flagged as Unverified Email or guest customers will not be able to checkout without verifying their email address, the plugin adds a popup on the Checkout page that will require the email verification to proceed to checkout. The verification email will be sent to the customer and once they enter the verification code or click on the verification link, they will be redirected to the checkout page.

  • Enable the email verification on cart page – enable the email verification before checkout.
  • Require email verification only for Free Orders – this will require customers to verify their email address before checkout only when there is no payment (free products)

Please note: if a guest customer verified his email address during checkout and created an account during checkout, his email address on the account will be verified automatically.

Login Authentication using OTP

For enhanced security in your store, you can enable OTP authentication for logins based on specific conditions. When these conditions are met, an authentication email containing the OTP is sent to the user for verification.

Configurable Conditions for OTP Authentication:

The plugin records the last login details. Upon subsequent logins, you can set the following conditions to trigger the OTP authentication email:

Login from a New Device:

If a user logs in from an unrecognized device, the system sends an authentication email. To implement this, enable the corresponding option in the plugin settings.

Login from a New Location:

If a user logs in from an unrecognized location, the system sends an authentication email. Activate this option in the settings to use this security measure.

Last Login Duration:

Users trying to log in after a certain period since their last login will receive an authentication email. Determine the desired duration (15, 30, or 60 days) from the dropdown in the plugin settings.

Require OTP Verification for Unrecognized Login:

If enabled, users will be prompted to authenticate via OTP for logins from a new device, a new location, or after the specified period in the “Last Login Duration” setting. Toggle this option in the settings to utilize this feature.


Email Verification Options

  • Verification success message – the message that will appear on the top of the my-account or checkout page after successful email verification.
  • Page to redirect after successful verification – select a page to redirect users after successful verification. In case the email verification was during checkout, the user will be directed to checkout.
  • Skip email verification for the selected user roles – You can skip the email verification for the selected user roles and automatically set them as verified.
  • Verification code length – available options 4-digits, 6-digits, 9-digits (defaults to 4-digits)
  • Verification code expiration – choose if you wish to set the expiry time to the verification code/link – Never, 10 min, 30 min, 1 Hour, 24 Hours, 72 Hours (defaults to Never expires).
  • Limit Resend – limit the number of times the user can resend the verification email. Choose between once, 3 times, never.
  • Limit Resend Message – defaults to “Too Many attempts” – you can use HTML to add a link to your contact page.


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