Custom Columns for Top Selling Products


This documentation guides developers through integrating a custom code snippet into a WooCommerce site to add ‘Stock Status’ and ‘Price’ columns to the ‘Top Selling Products
‘ table.


  • Basic knowledge of PHP and WordPress development.
  • Access to the site’s functions.php file or a suitable plugin for custom code snippets.
  • An operational WooCommerce environment.

Code Snippet

add_filter( 'sre_top_selling_products_details_table_header', 'sre_top_selling_products_details_table_header', 10, 1 );
function sre_top_selling_products_details_table_header( $th_array ) {
    $th_array[] = 'Stock Status'; // Add the stock quantity column
    $th_array[] = 'Price'; // Add the price column
    return $th_array;

add_filter( 'sre_top_selling_products_details_table_content', function( $array, $top_seller, $product_id ) {
    if (!is_array($array)) {
        return $array;

    $stock_status = isset($top_seller['extended_info']['stock_status']) ? $top_seller['extended_info']['stock_status'] : 'N/A';
    $price = isset($top_seller['extended_info']['price']) ? $top_seller['extended_info']['price'] : 'N/A';

    $array[] = $stock_status;
    $array[] = $price;

    return $array;
}, 10, 3 );

Implementation Guide

  1. Backup Your Site: Ensure you have a recent backup of your site before modifying any code.
  2. Add the Code: Paste the provided snippet into the site’s functions.php file or a custom plugin for code snippets.
  3. Understanding the Code:
    • sre_top_selling_products_details_table_header: This filter modifies the table header by adding ‘Stock Status’ and ‘Price’ columns
    • sre_top_selling_products_details_table_content: This filter fetches the stock status and price from the extended_info array and appends this information to the new columns in each row of the table.


  • Data Not Appearing: Ensure that the extended_info array in the $top_seller data includes stock_status and price fields. Confirm that the data is available for each product.
  • Code Conflicts: If issues arise after adding the code, remove it to check if the problem persists. Consult a professional if necessary.


  • Modifying code directly can have unintended effects. Consider using a child theme or a custom plugin to avoid losing changes during updates.
  • Always test changes on a staging site first.


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