Pickup Appointments Setup

Customers can conveniently schedule pickup times within a specified timeframe using the Pickup Appointments feature. Customize the pickup scheduling experience with the following options:

  • Customers Schedule Pickup Time X Days to X Days into the Future: Define a range within which customers can schedule pickup days.
  • Allow Same-Day Pickup: Opt to allow same-day pickup by starting the range from 0 and selecting the latest hour for same-day pickup.
  • Set preparation time: Set the preparation time to start pickup time slots after preparation time.
  • Latest Order Hour for Same-Day Pickup: Specify the latest hour for same-day pickup scheduling.
  • Time Slot Intervals: Define time slot intervals for each pickup, ranging from as short as 5 minutes to the entire working hours of the day.
  • Appointments Per Time Slot: Limit the number of appointments per pickup time slot, determining how many customers can pick up orders simultaneously.
  • Pickup Time Slots: Specify business days and hours to allow or require customers to select a pickup date and time.
  • Choose Time Format: 12H/24H

Calendar View

  • Local Pickup Availability Calendar View: Set your local pickup availability using a calendar view.
  • Edit Multiple Dates at Once: Efficiently edit multiple dates simultaneously for convenience.
  • Set Exception Hours for Specific Dates: Customize pickup hours for specific dates with exception hours.
  • Split Daily Pickup Work Hours: Divide the daily pickup work hours for flexibility.

Important Note: The appointment panel options are visible only if the “Enable Pickup Appointment” option is selected in the location settings.



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