
* Fix – The issue of Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings


* Enhancement – Added option to show/hide a pickup information in processing lp emails
* Fix – The issue of the Critical error when kadence plugin is opened
* Fix – The issue of the forced local pickup item
* Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 9.0.2
* Dev – Test plugin with WordPress 6.5
* Dev – Compatibility with Yith Brands plugin
* Dec – Add Compatibility with the Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce

  • Enhancement – Dispaly pickup item by pickup location in lighbox in fulfillment dashboard
  • Enhancement – Implement clearing pre-selected session data on the Cart and Checkout pages
  • Improved – The improved to decode a translated string which contain HTML entities
  • Fix – The issue of the date picker not show
  • Fix – Optimize the code for rendering multiple location stores on the Cart and Checkout pages
  • Dev – Added competiblity with Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce plugin
  • Dev – Added compatibility with WooCommerce checkout add-on by Skyverge
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 8.6.1
  • Enhancement – Added time formate 12/24 option in appointment panel
  • Improved – The improved code for shipping options
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 8.5.2
  • Fix – The PHP warning regarding the attempt to read a property on a boolean value
  • Fix – issue of display location details on cart page in mobile device
  • Fix – The issue of order place without selecting a date and time
  • Fix – The PHP Deprecated error related to the unserialize() error
  • Fix – the security vulnerability issue related to security nonce
  • Fix – the pickup date translation issue with french languages
  • Fix – the set default location when the location not selected
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 8.3
  • Dev – Test plugin with WordPress 6.4
  • Dev – Compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Enhancement – Added usage data tracking functionality
  • Enhancement – Added the Pickup Per Item with appointments functionality
  • Improved – Improve the settings design
  • Fix – The admin store notification issue
  • Fix – error when send test email from customizer
  • Fix – New order email notification not send when Processig LP order status is enabled
  • Fix – The issue of display product price without VAT in admin pickup email
  • Enhancement – Display the local pickup discount or fee in admin local pickup store email
  • Fix – the set default location when the location not selected
  • Improved – Improve the settings design
  • Enhancement – Added an option of second pickup reminder for nonappointment
  • Enhancement – Added an option in dropdown for pickup per item
  • Fix – the variation products issue of pickup per item
  • Fix – If Automatic Processing to Processing LP selected send both Processing and Processing LP email
  • Fix – the Issue on fulfillment dashboard
  • Dev- Make business hours follow Wp time format
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 7.9.0
  • Dev – Test plugin with WordPress 6.3
  • Dev – Make calendars follow Wp start of week
  • Fix – missing payment methods on checkout page
  • Fix – the blank license section in the setting page
  • Improved – Improve the notification panel in the Location settings
  • Enhancement – Move the Local Pickup dashboard under WooCommerce > Fulfillment
  • Enhancement – Picked Up order status action button only shows if order status is Ready For Pickup
  • Enhancement – Update the customizer design
  • Enhancement – Create an automation tab for non-appointment location
  • Enhancement – Exclude the Payment method for Pickup Locations
  • Enhancement – Added an Common Public Holidays option for one-off days to the Business Hours
  • Fix – the error with sort location by distance on checkout page
  • Fix – Date format issue in emails
  • Fix – loader issue in pickup location popup
  • Fix – Checkout date selector hangs if having only one appointment time
  • Dev – Make “and” translatable in the Pickup Information widget in the email
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 7.7.2
  • Dev – Compatibility with Cashier for WooCommerce
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 7.6.0
  • Fix – the frontend translation issue on cart/checkout
  • Fix – Fatal error the CRITICAL Uncaught TypeError: implode()

Fix – critical error after updating the plugin

  • Enhancement – Added an option to add the Google Map API key for sorting the pickup location by distance
  • Fix – Day translation issue in emails
  • Fix – Date selection issue on the checkout page
  • Enhancement – Create another custom order status – Processing LP
  • Enhancement – Added an option to exclude pickup location for selected shipping method
  • Enhancement – Added an option for pickup location sort by distance or manually
  • Enhancement – Updated the design of the Fulfillment dashboard
  • Enhancement – Bulk orders select on the fulfillment dashboard
  • Enhancement – Added a Picked Up action button on the fulfillment dashboard for Processing order
  • Localization – Update the translation file and add more languages
  • Fix – Order Preview on fulfillment dashboard
  • Fix – Email headers not utf-8 character support
  • Fix – Calendar issue, if time is not available still date, is display in the calendar
  • Dev – Action buttons without page reload on the fulfillment dashboard
  • Dev – Remove space before of time info in an email
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 7.5.1
  • Enhancement – sorting location by distance in dropdown on cart/checkout
  • Enhancement – Added an option to overwrite the email template file in theme
  • Enhancement – Added competibility with cartflow plugin
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 7.4
  • Fix – undefined method WP_Post::get_meta()
  • Dev – Tested with WordPress 6.1
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce 7.1
  • Enhancement – Added compatibility with High-Performance Order Storage
  • Fix – Date Selection Pop-Up Box Not Working
  • Fix – the cart price adjustment issue with tax calculation
  • Fix – Display location address issue
  • Fix – issue the non-working days count in pickup days
  • Enhancement – Added an option to choose pickup location layout(Inline/Popup) for cat/checkout page
  • Enhancement – Add actions button in Quick preview order
  • Enhancement – Add option of Allow to date selection by force
  • Improved – Missing icon (action button)
  • Improved – In admin calendar UI
  • Dev – Tested with WC 6.8.2
  • Dev – Tested with WP 6.0
  • Fix – Fix bug on cart and checkout with pickup location
  • Fix – Fix the issue of Undefined variable $newpackages
  • Enhancement – Added functionality to view plugin release details on the plugin page.
  • Dev – Tested with WC 6.4
  • Dev – Tested with WooCommerce Multilingual 5.0.0 Beta
  • Dev – compatibility with the WooCommerce translation plugin(Weglot)
  • Dev – WC Subscriptions Compatibility – more details
  • Enhancement – Add an option to select which order statuses to display on the store pickup fulfillment dashboard
  • Improved – Removed Shipping Address Ready for pickup and Picked up email template
  • Improved – added a Customer schedule pickup time of 120 to 120 days options.
  • Fix – Fix the Fulfillment dashboard order data missing
  • Fix – CRITICAL Uncaught Error and Undefined property: stdClass
  • Improved – setup a new customizer structure and Select > Select time (pickup appointment checkout)
  • Dev – Tested with WC 6.3
  • Dev – WPML compatibility of Pickup location address translations
  • Dev – Compatibility issue with the Stripe plugin
  • Enhancement – Added more options Send pickup reminder after X days for Pickup Reminder (non-appointment location).
  • Fix – Single Location issue in the dropdown
  • Improved – Test emails on Mobile (Android/iPhone)
  • Fix – Validation issue
  • Improved – Store Pickup (fulfillment) dashboard and new customizer structure
  • Dev – Tested with WordPress 5.9
  • Fix – Single Location issue in the dropdown
  • Improved – new license system
  • Fix – Fix warnings issue
  • Improved – Added Docs, Support, and Review link on the plugins page
  • Fix – Fixed media library not loading and dashboard design issue
  • Dev – WC tested up to 5.6
  • Fix – the issue of the translation
  • Fix – the issue of the js admin
  • Improved – the day’s option in Pickup Schedule Date Range
  • Improved – Add day option in Set pickup reminder time
  • Improved – design and compatibility of PDF invoices/packing lists plugins in Fulfillment Dashboard
  • Fix – the issue of the Uncaught ReferenceError: setCountryCookie is not defined
  • Improved – Update Skin colors of the design of the setting
  • Fix – the issue of Enable pickup appointment toggle issue
  • Dev – WC tested up to 5.6
  • Enhancement – added option of the Header appointment text in the customizer setting.
  • Localization – Updated translations files.
  • Fix – Customizer fatal errors.
  • Fix – the issue of the save in Additional order email status option.
  • Dev – WC tested upto 5.5.2
  • Improved – Code Review
  • Dev – WC tested up to 5.4.1
  • Improved – Settings Skin (header/menu) – Update the new general settings design.
  • Localization – Updated translations files.
  • Enhancement – Pickup location duplicate functionality.
  • Enhancement – Automatically Ready for Pickup – Automatically set order status to Ready for Pickup when the order status is completed
  • Enhancement – Automation section in location
  • Enhancement – Longitude and latitude option in address options to sorting location dropdown in cart/checkout.
  • Enhancement – Appointments – Schedule Date Range – “select the from when and how far in the future customers can schedule a pickup appointment”
  • Enhancement – Latest order hour for same day pickup option – “this option is only available if they choose 0 days for From Schedule date range”
  • Enhancement – improved and fixed issue on cart/checkout.
  • Enhancement – Appointment message compatibility with SMSWOO plugin
  • Dev – WC tested up to 5.2.2
  • Enhancement – compatibility with checkoutWC plugin
  • Dev – WC tested up to 5.2
  • Enhancement – added Pickup appointment functionality.
  • Tweak – updated settings design
  • Dev – WC tested up to 5.1
  • Dev – WordPress tested up to 5.7
  • Enhancement – compatibility with SMSWOO
  • Tweak – updated settings design.
  • Enhancement – customizer setting options update
  • Tweak – updated settings design.
  • Enhancement – import all free plugin features in PRO(Run without free plugin).
  • Fix – show location address in admin order when not selected local pickup shipping method.
  • Dev – WC tested up to 5.0
  • Enhancement – stop refreshing on change location on cart/checkout page.
  • Dev – WC tested up to 4.9.
  • Fix – Order stays “Waiting for payment” status after successful payment over Stripe or PayPal
  • Enhancement – updated design in the setting.
  • Localization – Updated translations files
  • Enhancement – updated design in the setting.
  • Fix – Location display on order admin – pickup per item (from the user).
  • Fix – the issue of updating cart price.
  • Enhancement – updated design in the setting.
  • Fix – pickup instructions are not added to the email in case of multi-locations.
  • Enhancement – updated design in the setting.
  • Enhancement – added pro option of Add Local Pickup instructions on the Completed Renewal email (Subscriptions).
  • Launch it


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