WooCommerce Subscriptions

The Zorem Local Pickup Pro seamlessly integrates with the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, enabling you to provide local pickup options for subscription orders. During the checkout process, customers can conveniently choose their preferred local pickup location. Subsequently, they will receive detailed pickup information in their subscription renewal orders.

Note: If you modify location details for active subscriptions, the renewal email will include the updated location details.

Changing the Pickup Location:

Customers have the flexibility to edit their pickup location or schedule an appointment if required. In Processing/Completed Renewal emails, a link is provided, directing customers to the View Order page. Here, they can effortlessly modify their pickup location or schedule a new pickup appointment through the local pickup widget.


Order View Page Options (for subscription renewals):

Upon clicking the provided link, customers will access the Order View page. Here, they can reschedule the order using the following options: 

  • Update Button: Clicking this button will send the customer an email with rescheduling pickup information, indicating that the order is ready for pickup.

This seamless integration ensures a smooth and flexible local pickup experience for your subscription customers.


Billed annually

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