Order Status Manager

The Advanced Order Status Manager provide you with inteface to manage your WooCommerce code order statuses, import & reset Custom Order Statuses created by other plugins or by custom code, create Custom Order Statuses and to Drag & Drop statuses in the list to organize your orders flow and enable customize the custom order status email notifications

Import Custom Statuses

After you install the plugin, to setup your order statuses with the Order Status Manager, navigate to WooCommerce > Order Statuses

If you’ve already use custom order statuses added by a plugin or by adding a code snippet to functions.php, the Order Status Manager will detect these Custom Statuses and will notify you on the option to  import them, or you can use the import Button at the bottom of the list.


After import custom order statuses you will receive a success message and you will see all the custom order statuses on the list.

Reset Button – you can reset a imported custom order statuses.


Add Custom Order Status

Each Custom Order Status will include the following options:

Name – The display name to displayfor this Custom Order Status.

Slug – Add a slug to identify this status, which can be used in custom code. For simplicity, we typically recommend adding a slug that’s a hyphenated version of your name, and not changing this in the future. Please note that you can’t change slug for custom order status which is used in orders.

Description – (Optional) Add a description to display to customers when they view the order. If customers hover over the order status in the “View Order” screen, this description will be shown to provide more information.

Color / Text Color – select a color for the order status label

Action Icon – select an icon to use for the “Order Actions” button if this status is available as a next status (such as the “completed” action button)

Action Statuses – Select the next orders statuses in your fulfillment flow; these can be custom or core statuses. This will display the appropriate order action buttons on the WooCommerce orders admin page.

Bulk Actions menu – Enable this to add a bulk actions menu for this status on the “Orders” page. This will allow you to select orders and assign this status in bulk.

Include in Reports – Enable this to include orders with this status in your sales reporting. This is helpful for order statuses that designate an order that has been paid for, but is not yet “complete”, such as one that’s been shipped.

Get Shipment Status (TrackShip) – Trigger the order shipments to be tracked on TrackShip when the order is set to this status (if TrackShip is enabled).

Payment Type – Select the payment status of this order status.

  • Paid – This status will be treated like “processing” or “completed”.
  • Awaiting Payment – This status will be similar to “pending payment” or “failed”.
  • No payment required – This status is similar to “on-hold” or “refunded”.

Edit Custom Order Status

You can edit the Custom Order Status you created or ones that you imported form other plguins.

Note – the Custom Order Status slug is not editable in case there are orders assigned to this Custom Order Status.


Delete Custom Order Statuses

When you delete a Custom Order Status, The Order Status Manager Pro will check If there orders that currently use this status, If no orders currently use this status, it will be deleted automatically.

If you have orders that use this status, you’ll be asked to reassign them to an existing order status. If you want to reassign these to a different order status, select the status to use and click the “delete” button. Order notes to indicate the change will be added to all orders that were updated.


Edit WooCommerce Core Order Status

For each WooCommerce Core Order Status, you can customize the label name,  colors, description displayed on the orders history under the customer accounts and you can edit the display on the action menus and orders admin filters.

Note – the slug for the WooCommerce core order status is not editable.


Custom Order Status Emails

You can enable the send email option for the custom order statuses, you can customize the email notification using email customizer with a preview and you can override the email template in your child theme for greater control over the content.

Email Customizer Options:

  • Enable this “Custom Status” email –  enable/disable this Custom Order Status email notification.
  • Preview Order – select an order to preview the email.
  • Email subject – available variables: {site_title}, {order_number}
  • Email heading – available variables: {site_title}, {order_number}
  • Email content – available variables – {site_title}, {customer_email}, {customer_company_name},{customer_first_name}, {customer_last_name}, {customer_username}, {order_number}


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